I.FAST aims to enhance innovation in the particle accelerator community, mapping out and facilitating the development of breakthrough technologies common to multiple accelerator platforms. The project involves 49 partners, including 17 companies as co-innovation partners, to explore new alternative accelerator concepts and advanced prototyping of key technologies.
These include, among others, new accelerator designs and concepts, advanced superconducting technologies for magnets and cavities, techniques to increase brightness of synchrotron light sources, strategies and technology to improve energy efficiency, and new societal applications of accelerators.
Held in Trieste, Italy, the second annual meeting of the I.FAST project hosted passionate discussion about the progress in machine learning and in superconducting materials.
Although permanent magnets can significantly reduce the energy consumption of accelerators, their use of rare earths requires best practices, as discussed by experts at the latest I.FAST workshop.
Aimed at introducing high-school students to the benefits of particle physics for society and medical applications, the Particle Therapy MasterClass just opened registration for its 2023 edition.