Panos Charitos (CERN)

A report from EASISchool 3

The EASITrain fellows and 16 external participants attended EASISchool 3 at the CNR-SPIN research institute in Genoa, Italy.

Issue 34
15 October, 2020

Introducing the Future Circular Collider Innovation Study at FCC November Workshop (FCC NoW)

The upcoming FCC November Week includes the kickoff meeting of the recently approved EU Horizon 2020 project “Future Circular Collider Innovation Study” (FCCIS).

Issue 34
07 October, 2020

EASITrain gears up following mid-term review

The meeting offered the opportunity to young researchers to present their latest work.

Previous Issues
12 December, 2018

Unfolding the full potential of a future circular lepton collider

A recently proposed acceleration scheme could further increase the performance of a technology-ready circular lepton collider and boost the exploratory potential of the FCC integrated programme.

Previous Issues
09 December, 2019