European projects boost CERN’s medical applications

CERN's Next Ion Medical Machine Study (NIMMS) and MEDICIS facility work towards next- generation medical treatments.

Issue 36
26 January, 2021

VHEE2020 workshop attracts over 400 researchers

The production of very-high energy electron beams for radiotherapy was the subject of the VHEE2020, an international workshop that took place 5-7 October 2020, organised by CERN.

Issue 35
25 January, 2021

Future Circular Collider Innovation Study kicks off

The meeting combined the fourth FCC Physics Workshop with the kick-off meeting of the EC-funded Horizon 2020 FCC Innovation Study (FCCIS)

Issue 35
25 January, 2021

Measuring performance indicators for superconducting wires

An overview of the results from a recent study of two different types of Nb3Sn wires by HyperTech Inc. (US) and Bochvar Institute (RU) at the University of Technology and Atominstitut in Vienna.

Issue 35
19 January, 2021

Xcitement down under: Australia gets first X-band facility

Half of a CERN high-gradient test facility embarks on a new life at the University of Melbourne

Issue 36
15 January, 2021

LS2 Report: Review of a rather unusual year

COVID-19 has undoubtedly had an impact on the activities and schedule of LS2. Nevertheless, the accelerators are now starting up again

Issue 35
14 December, 2020

New schedule for CERN’s accelerators and experiments

The schedule for the current long shutdown (LS2) has had to be modified due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Issue 35
27 November, 2020

First beam inside the upgraded HIE-ISOLDE facility

Upgrades and repairs of the HIE-ISOLDE linear accelerator will enable experiments to delve deeper than ever into the physics of radioactive isotopes

Issue 35
10 November, 2020

Acceleration of relativistic beams using laser-generated terahertz pulses

Laser-driven electron accelerator operating at terahertz frequencies.

Issue 34
21 October, 2020

Accelerator sensitivity to ultra-low stray magnetic fields

Stray magnetic fields are a serious consideration in the design CLIC. Measurements to characterise stray magnetic fields at CERN are presented and a mitigation technique for CLIC is discussed.

Issue 34
20 October, 2020