The 12th Workshop on Accelerators Operation will be held virtually from October 5th to Oct 8th, 2021, organized by the ALBA Synchrotron (Barcelona, Spain).
Last February, the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) team working on technical developments organised a workshop on all the different technologies developed for producing, handling, and preserving nanobeams and ultra-short bunches.
The virtual workshop “Storage Rings and Gravitational Waves” (SRGW2021) shed new light on whether accelerators can be used for the detection or generation of Gravitational Waves.
To determine the limitations and opportunities brought by radial compressor technology operating with light gases, a closed-loop turbocompressor test facility has been assembled at the University of Stuttgart, in cooperation with TU Dresden.
Nb-Ti, MgB2 and ReBCO: a combination of conventional and novel superconductors for the powering of the HL-LHC magnets. Demo 2 and Demo 3 demonstration systems were successfully qualified at CERN in 2020.
An international team of accelerator experts have used a laser to manipulate electron bunches at PTB's Metrology Light Source so that they emitted intense light pulses having a laser-like character.
I.FAST aims to enhance innovation in the particle accelerator community, mapping out and facilitating the development of breakthrough technologies common to multiple accelerator platforms.
Against the challenges of the first wave of the pandemic, from May to October 2020, CERN's MSC group organised a masterclass on the design of superconducting magnets for particle colliders.
On 16 December 2020, the Occupational Health & Safety and Environmental Protection (HSE) Unit, in collaboration with the CERN Knowledge Transfer group, held the first HSE-KT Innovation Day.