LS2 Report: Review of a rather unusual year

COVID-19 has undoubtedly had an impact on the activities and schedule of LS2. Nevertheless, the accelerators are now starting up again

Issue 35
14 December, 2020

New schedule for CERN’s accelerators and experiments

The schedule for the current long shutdown (LS2) has had to be modified due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Issue 35
27 November, 2020

First beam inside the upgraded HIE-ISOLDE facility

Upgrades and repairs of the HIE-ISOLDE linear accelerator will enable experiments to delve deeper than ever into the physics of radioactive isotopes

Issue 35
10 November, 2020

Acceleration of relativistic beams using laser-generated terahertz pulses

Laser-driven electron accelerator operating at terahertz frequencies.

Issue 34
21 October, 2020

Accelerator sensitivity to ultra-low stray magnetic fields

Stray magnetic fields are a serious consideration in the design CLIC. Measurements to characterise stray magnetic fields at CERN are presented and a mitigation technique for CLIC is discussed.

Issue 34
20 October, 2020

Cold diodes for the inner triplet circuit of the High Luminosity LHC

The cold diodes of the new triplet circuits will be installed in a dedicated cryostat in the LHC tunnel downstream of the triplet magnets and close to the LHC beam pipe.

Issue 34
20 October, 2020

The Virtual International Linac2020 Conference

World’s linear accelerator community got together in online event to discuss latest research results.

Issue 34
19 October, 2020

Phase 2 of Large Hadron Collider upgrade project launched in the UK

26M£ funding will be major contribution to high luminosity LHC

Issue 34
19 October, 2020

A report from EASISchool 3

The EASITrain fellows and 16 external participants attended EASISchool 3 at the CNR-SPIN research institute in Genoa, Italy.

Issue 34
15 October, 2020

Increased cryogenic power at LHC Point 4

At LHC Point 4, a refrigerator that cools helium from room temperature to 4.5 K (-268.65 °C) has undergone major improvements in preparation for the HL-LHC

Issue 35
14 October, 2020