Japan’s Accelerator Test Facility 2 opens again for overseas collaborators experiments

Located in KEK Japan, this experimental facility will pursue the necessary R&D to maximize the luminosity potential of linear colliders.

Issue 43
15 March, 2023

Estimating the local impact of Large Research Infrastructure procurement

Upon looking at the procurement of superconducting RF cavities, this first study demonstrates the positive impact of Big Science projects on local economic development

Issue 43
15 March, 2023

Beam Gas Curtain installed in the Large Hadron Collider

Non-invasive beam profile monitor using supersonic gas jet furthers our understanding of the beam dynamics and supports new discoveries.

Issue 43
14 March, 2023

Multiple energy recycling in a linear accelerator

Through ingenious kinetic energy recycling in combination with a multi-turn acceleration concept, electric power can be saved while, at the same time, high-power particle beams can be provided.

Issue 43
14 March, 2023

54 magnets: The High-Luminosity LHC receives its first in-kind contribution

The completion of the High Order Corrector Magnet project was only made possible by the collaborative efforts of INFN, CERN, and industry.

Issue 43
14 March, 2023

Collaboration and knowledge sharing: CERN Accelerator School turns 40!

Over the past 40 years, CAS has played a significant role in the advancement of accelerator science and technology and continues to be an important resource.

Issue 43
13 March, 2023

Combined function magnets with constant partition numbers lattice for the Future Circular lepton Collider

Optics developments with CFMs show promising results to improve the FCC-ee performance and efficiency.

Issue 43
13 March, 2023

Rare earths for permanent magnets: blessing or curse?

Although permanent magnets can significantly reduce the energy consumption of accelerators, their use of rare earths requires best practices, as discussed by experts at the latest I.FAST workshop.

Issue 43
13 March, 2023

I.FAST promotes eight innovation projects in accelerator technologies

With a funding of up to 200 kEUR each, the projects will contribute to improve the sustainability of particle accelerator technologies.

Issue 43
13 March, 2023

Announcement of Particle Therapy MasterClass 2023: Dates and registration

Aimed at introducing high-school students to the benefits of particle physics for society and medical applications, the Particle Therapy MasterClass just opened registration for its 2023 edition.

Issue 43
13 March, 2023