ARIES consortium produces world-class HTS tapes

REBCO conductor tapes reached a world-record critical current at 20T, strengthening the possibilities for a demonstrator of high-level accelerator magnets. Lucio Rossi, leader of the HL-LHC project, explains.

Previous Issues
24 March, 2020

Unfolding the full potential of a future circular lepton collider

A recently proposed acceleration scheme could further increase the performance of a technology-ready circular lepton collider and boost the exploratory potential of the FCC integrated programme.

Previous Issues
09 December, 2019

Game-changing plasma accelerator

EuPRAXIA project concludes its conceptual design for a powerful, small-footprint accelerator, showing that plasma acceleration provides a viable alternative to established accelerator technologies.

Previous Issues
05 December, 2019
Previous Issues
05 December, 2019

How many points to direct the particle beam to collision?

Developed specifically for the CERN Open Days, the activity aimed to explain the role of power converters in particle accelerators in a fun way.

Previous Issues
20 October, 2019

Bringing particle accelerators on ships

The first test to use a particle accelerator to clean the exhaust gases of a ship took place in Riga in July 2019. The first results are encouraging.

Previous Issues
16 July, 2019

Master Class captivates the next generation of scientists

CERN, DKFZ Heidelberg and GSI Darmstadt engage the next generation of scientists through a hands-on experience on particle therapy.

Previous Issues
11 July, 2019

EASITrain gears up following mid-term review

The meeting offered the opportunity to young researchers to present their latest work.

Previous Issues
12 December, 2018

A reverse hackathon with CERN

What if we selected a few CERN Technologies and put them in the hands of professionals that help create highly successful start-ups?

Previous Issues
08 October, 2018

First experimental results from the CLEAR facility at CERN

Flexibility and versatility, together with a dynamic and experienced team of researchers, are key ingredients for the success of the new CLEAR facility, exploring novel accelerator concepts at CERN.

Previous Issues
03 July, 2018

Intelligent Control Systems for Particle Accelerators

Artificial Intelligence paves way for entirely new ways to operate big science facilities.

Previous Issues
09 March, 2018