FCC rolls out a quadrupole prototype with canted cosine theta design

Elegant yet complex, a prototype final focus quadrupole has been manufactured and has successfully passed its first tests.

Issue 38
01 December, 2021

Enhancing the training of the next generation of researchers

Expert workshop provided participants with an in-depth overview of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Networks scheme.

Issue 38
01 December, 2021

New light on innovative designs for compact, high-brilliance X-ray sources

Set to finish at the end of year, the EU-funded CompactLight project held the promise of designing more compact and cost-effective linac-based photon sources.

Issue 38
01 December, 2021

United States crab cavity program springs forward into production after successful test of prototypes

Crab cavities are critical to increase the number of interactions. After successful prototyping and testing, the US programme has entered series production.

Issue 38
01 December, 2021

Accelerators for the environment: Announcing I.FAST Challenge-Based Innovation programme 2022

In summer 2022, the EU-funded I.FAST project will challenge students to find new and innovative societal applications for accelerators.

Issue 38
01 December, 2021

Flexible and accessible, the HiRadMat facility celebrates its tenth anniversary

Since its construction in 2011, HiRadMat has been a unique experimental facility for testing materials under beam impact.

Issue 38
05 November, 2021

Additively manufactured copper components for linear accelerators

World first: Fraunhofer IWS, together with CERN, RTU and PoliMi, for the very first time prints quadrupole components for linear accelerators

Issue 38
02 November, 2021

The North Area is getting a fresh look

The North Area, part of the Super Proton Synchrotron complex, will see a major two-phased facelift in the upcoming years

Issue 38
27 October, 2021

LS2 report: The new LHC collimators

During LS2, 16 new collimators have been installed in the LHC ready for the next run and above all for the future HL-LHC

Issue 38
28 September, 2021

Interview with Lucio Rossi: “When an opportunity meets a need”

Lucio Rossi, coordinator of the HL-LHC project until July 2020, tells us about a new community-building intiative of INFN.

Issue 37
17 August, 2021